what’s next?

I don’t beleive in daily horoscopes featured everywhere, but sometimes I take these words as if they were written in a story or something and just collect them, it’s fun 3ala fekra 🙂

The situation is so confusing that you’re half convinced walking away is the solution. But maybe you need to ask yourself a different question. Maybe it’s not should you stay or should you go, but what should you do next?

The Bridges of Madison County

https://i0.wp.com/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/5a/The_Bridges_Of_Madison_County.jpg/200px-The_Bridges_Of_Madison_County.jpgA long time ago I was watching TV and saw a preview of a movie, I didn’t know its name back then, but I loved its idea. It tells the story of Francesca (Meryl Streep), a lonely Italian Iowa housewife. While her husband and children are away at the Illinois State Fair, she meets and falls in love with a photographer (Clint Eastwood) who has come to Madison County, Iowa to create a photographic essay for National Geographic on the covered bridges in the area. The four days they spend together are a turning point in her life and she writes of her experience in a diary which is discovered by her children after her death.

Isn’t it sweet?

I asked some of my friends to look for it online, as I really would like to see it, but they told me it was sooooooooo sad ! Actually I don’t mind sad stories these days, so I will try to hunt it.

I will also try to find the book for Robert James Waller . It seems to be quite interesting! Here are some parts of the book:

“I’m not sure you can [be yourself] with me along. Don’t you see, I love you so much that I cannot think of restraining you for a moment. To do that would be to kill the wild, magnificent animal that is you.. I have feelings of responsibility here.. …… If I did leave now, those thoughts would turn me into something other than the woman you have come to love.”

“Not all men are the same. Some will do okay in the world that’s coming. Some, maybe just a few of us, will not.In older worlds, there were things we could do, were designed to do, that nobody or no machine could do. We run fast, are strong and quick, aggressive and tough. We were given courage. We can throw spears long-distances and fight in hand-to-hand combat. Eventually, computers and robots will run things. Humans will manage those machines, but that doesn’t require courage or strength, or any characteristics like those. In fact, men are outliving their usefulness. All you need are sperm banks to keep the species going.”

And from the movie:

FRANCESCA: What’s the most exciting place that you’ve ever been in the whole world, hmm? Unless you’re too tired to talk about it.
ROBERT: Hmmm… most exciting, hmm… If you’re asking a man if he’s tired of talking about himself, then you haven’t been out much, have you? I’m sorry… I didn’t mean that to make it sound like some dumb statement.
FRANCESCA: No, it was meant… maybe it’s a little dull for you, sitting here telling all this to some housewife in the middle of nowhere.
ROBERT: This is your home. This isn’t nowhere. And it’s not dull.

ROBERT: I’m a loner, but not a monk.

ROBERT: Oh, and don’t fool yourself, Francesca. You’re anything but a simple woman.


Francesca: And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself than ever before.  Robert Kincaid: This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.

I really got to see this one…


” خطا الفتى إلى فناء المعبد و قد حمل في قطعة كتان تضرجت بالحمرة,,,, قلبه.  عندما فرغت له سيدة الأسرار اقترب مطرقا في صمت. فبادرته: ” يا بني هناك طرق لمراوغة ألم الحياة و اليأس. هناك طرق لمراوغة تلك الهبة الخطرة الزلقة التي تمنحنا الحياة إياها: العشق. إحدى تلك الطرق هو أن تقتل العشق في القلب. قتل العشق يا بني ليس إلا موات الحياة. الطريق الآخر هو قبول الهبة. العشق هو قبول الفخ, تلقي جروح الشوك في الوردة. و تذكر و أنت تختار لا يمكنك أن تقترب من الورود و لا يجرحك شوكها. و إن لم تنزف تجمع الدم الفاسد في شرايينك فسممها فمت”.   ن – سحر الموجي

From a poem by Hilda Doolittle

Edith Piaf – La Foule

Je revois la ville en fete et en délire
Suffoquant sous le soleil et sous la joie
Et j’entends dans la musique les cris, les rires
Qui éclatent et rebondissent autour de moi
Et perdue parmi ces gens qui me bousculent
Étourdie, désemparée, je reste là
Quand soudain, je me retourne, il se recule,
Et la foule vient me jeter entre ses bras…
Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne
Nous entraîne
Écrasés l’un contre l’autre
Nous ne formons qu’un seul corps
Et le flot sans effort
Nous pousse, enchaînés l’un et l’autre
Et nous laisse tous deux
Épanouis, enivrés et heureux.
Entraînés par la foule qui s’élance
Et qui danse
Une folle farandole
Nos deux mains restent soudées
Et parfois soulevés
Nos deux corps enlacés s’envolent
Et retombent tous deux
Épanouis, enivrés et heureux…
Et la joie éclaboussée par son sourire
Me transperce et rejaillit au fond de moi
Mais soudain je pousse un cri parmi les rires
Quand la foule vient l’arracher d’entre mes bras…
Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne
Nous entraîne
Nous éloigne l’un de l’autre
Je lutte et je me débats
Mais le son de ma voix
S’étouffe dans les rires des autres
Et je crie de douleur, de fureur et de rage
Et je pleure…
Entraînée par la foule qui s’élance
Et qui danse
Une folle farandole
Je suis emportée au loin
Et je crispe mes poings, maudissant la foule qui me vole
L’homme qu’elle m’avait donné
Et que je n’ai jamais retrouvé…


Viniste a mi
Como poesia en la cancion
Un nuevo mundo de pasion

Sin egoismo y sin razon
Mas sin saber
Que era el amor
Yo protegi mi corazon

El sol se fue
Y yo cantando tu cancion
La soledad
Se aduena de toda emocion

Si el miedo robo mi ilusion
Viniste a mi
No supe amar
Y solo queda esta cancion

Viniste a mi
Como poesia en la cancion
Un nuevo mundo de pasion

Sin egoismo y sin razon
Mas sin saber
Que era el amor
Yo protegi mi corazon

El sol se fue
Y yo cantando tu cancion
La soledad
Se aduena de toda emocion

Si el miedo robo mi ilusion
Viniste a mi
No supe amar
Y solo queda esta cancion


Today’s discovery!

Seems like blogging is attracting more artists 🙂

http://bp1.blogger.com/_78ovouoa62k/Rkdk-cyrS-I/AAAAAAAAAAM/Z61e-QOTEBo/s1600/Age%2B17I liked Khan’s intro (Films in my vains, People in my heart and Stories in my mind)

The same goes for Ahmed Fouad Negm’s profile phrase (كل عين تعشق حليوة و أنتي حلوة ف كل عين يا حبيبتي قلبي عاشق و اسمحي لي بكلمتين كلمتين يا مصر يمكن هما آخر كلمتين حد ضامن يمشي آمن أو مآمن يمشي فين؟ ). Actually I am not an addicted reader of his poems like some of my friends, but this one is my favorite.


Omar Samra is Back !!!

I am soooooooooo happy….. Omar Samra  is here in Cairo after climbing mount Everest.  It’s not just because of climbing Everest in itself that I am happy, it is the feeling that he was a person (an Egyptian) who was capable of reaching his dreams. And isn’t this a great reason to celebrate? 😉


This reminds me of my great interest in Ahmed Hassanein Pasha, and  his daring journey in the western desert that he depicted in his book “The Lost Oases”. Likewise, he went to a journey that was extremely difficult, driven by the desire of reaching the unknown.

I am excited with the idea of listening to this inner voice that drives us to reach beyond the closed doors.

These examples give me hope about being able to listen carefully to this call, because life sometimes takes us away from the important things in order to fit in.

(Check out other blog responses about Omar Samra return, UmmahMuhammed and Nomadicity.)

I will finish my post by a  Poem by AHmed Shawky dedicated to Ahmed Hassanein Pasha, it was published in 1923!

قل للشباب بمصر عصركم بطل
بكل غاية إقدام له ولع

أس الممالك فيه همة و حجى
لا الترهات لها أس و لا الخدع

يعطى الشعوب على مقدار ما نبغوا
و ليس يبخسهم شيئا اذا برعوا

البر ليس لكم في طوله لجم
و البحر ليس لكم في عرضه شرع

هل تنهضون عساكم تلحقون به
فليس يلحق أهل السير مضطجع

Souad Massi – Rawi

Souad Massi – Storyteller

Oh storyteller tell us a story
Make it a tale
Tell me about the people of old
Tell me about 1001 Nights
And about Lunja daughter of the Ghoul
And about the son of the Sultan  

I’m about to tell a story
We’ll be far from this world
I’m about to tell a story
Everyone of us has a story in his heart

Narrate and forget we’re adults
In your mind we’re young
Tell us about heaven and hell
About the bird that never flew in his life
Make us understand the meaning of the world

Oh storyteller tell it just as they told you
Don’t add anything, don’t leave anything out
We could see into your mind
Narrate to make us forget this time
Leave us at once upon a time


راوي – Souad Massi

يا راوي حكي حكاية
مادابك تكون رواية
حكي لي على ناس الزمان
حكي لي على ألف ليلة وليلة
وعلى لنجة بنت الغولة
وعلى ولد السلطان

حانجيتك مانجيتك
دنا بعيد من هادي دنيا
حاجيتك ماجيتك
كل واحد منا في قلبه حكاية

حكي وانسى بلي احنا كبار
في بالك رانا صغار
حكي لنا على الجنة حكي لنا على النار
على طير عمره ما طار
فهمنا معانى الدنيا

يا راوي حكي كما حكوا لك
ما تزيد ما نقص من عندك
كاين نشفوا على بالك
حكي لنسينا في هاد زمان
خلينا في كان يا ما كان

Thank you Chris